Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, in a valuable statement, commented on his radio show on Tuesday that blaming video games for the Virginia Tech killings was the wrong way to look at explaining the shootings.
We agree with him in Firing Squad. Playing video games does not cause violence and e-Sports and classical video games are just for fun
Here is a snippet from the transcript:
I know it’s natural that everybody wants to throw their theories into this, and perhaps come up with perhaps a unique explanation or to understand, and I think it’s natural, because people have a tough time accepting a relatively simple explanation for something of this scale. But how many people are playing video games out there? How many millions of people play video games, and how many millions of people have guns? If you start blaming the video games, you may as well demand video game control because it’s the same thing when you start trying to blame guns for this. You have here a sick individual, an evil individual who committed a random act. But if you want to start blaming the video games, this guy was this or that, weeeeell, then you’ve gotta maybe talk about banning them because that’s the same tack that’s taken with guns. You got one guy who used a gun that’s it. You’re falling prey to the same way the Drive-Bys propagandize, and that’s, “Well, we need gun control! We gotta get guns out of the hands of people.”
Author And Fact Check
Written by author J. Bond and fact checked by Martin Pino and J. Esposito to ensure that the data retrieved is objectively correct